centropicasso | Spanish for groups
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Spanish for groups

“Centro Picasso” offers both regular and intensive group courses, as well as remote online classes of Spanish.

During the first academic week, we will sign a contract with you on your participation in the course. It will be followed by an invoice which also includes the price of the textbook (must be purchased separately). The payment must be made in on installment at the beginning of the semester or in monthly payments to Centro Picasso’s current account.

If you are not sure about your level of Spanish, please contact us and we will send you a language knowledge test, which will help our professors to determine which level is the most suitable for you.


5% discount for students and scholars - when signing the contract, valid scholar/student card must be presented

10% discount for ISIC, IYTC, ITIC owners

10% discount if you study together with or suggest to a family member studying with us

*Discounts do not add up